Bergmann, Holger
16-76240 / 16-20329
- Occupational safety and health
- Employer reference, interim report
- Administrative and technical staff (ATM) (general), recruitment selection process
- Training
- Civil servants/civil servants law
- Pay group placement
- Annual appraisals, human resources development
- Student assistants (SHK)
- Activity description, job description
- Collective bargaining law, TV-TU Darmstadt collective agreement
Ellermeier-Block, Ludwiga
- Partial retirement, nursing care period, parental leave, maternity protection
- BEM (occupational reintegration following long illness) service agreement
- Service agreement (e.g. on mobility, working time, addiction)
- Advice in case of conflict, general advice for all status groups
- Family-friendly University
- Meetings of staftt councils
- Administrative and technical staff (ATM), recruitment selection process
Hasenbank-Kriegbaum, Jens 16-24567
- Advice and dealing with conflicts at the workplace
- BEM (Betriebliches Eingliederungsmanagement – occupational integration management), Reintegration following sickness
- Job change, in-house job applications
- Gender equality, diversity and anti-discrimination
- Balance between work and family life
- Continuing education, educational leave, networking
- Public relations
- Service agreements (e.g on mobile work, BEM)
Swirschuk, Andreas
Dez. IV A: 16-24704 Staff council: 16-27526
- Service agreements (e.g. on mobile work, working time)
- Labour law: consultation, termination of employment
- Collective bargaining law: consultation, EGO (Entgeltordnung – pay group regulations), annual leave, allowances/supplements
- Meetins of staff councils
- Administrative and technical staff (ATM) (general), recruitment selection process
- Public relations, homepage annual report etc.
Spangenberg, Anja
FB 4 16-2 24 66
- Employer reference, interim report
- Administrative and technical staff (ATM), recruitment selection process
- Service agreements
- Annual appraisals, human resources development
- Public relations
Walther, Nadine
PR: 16-26856
- Occupational safety, ASA (OSH) Committee, on-site inspections
- Meetings of staff councils
- Administrative and technical staff (ATM) (general),recruitment selection process
- Advice in case of conflict for all status groups
- Service agreements (e.g on mobile work)
Dr. Zitzelsberger, Olga
- Service agreements (e.g. on mobile work, working time, addiction))
- Employer reference, interims report, appraisal
- Partial retirement, nursing care period, parental leave, maternity protection
- advice in case of conflict, general advice für all status groups
- Public relation, homepage, annual report etc.
- Research associates (WiMi) (general), recruitment selection process