Recruitment selection process
Please note: For the Staff Council to participate in a recruitment selection process, please send your invitation to this email address:
Please note that Staff Council meetings will take place on Wednesdays as from 01 January 2022. We would very much appreciate if job interviews were not to take place on Wednesdays. Thank you very much.
Invitation to a recruitment selection process: (opens in new tab) Einladung zum Auswahlverfahren
You can find the English version of the invitation to a recruitment selection process here: (opens in new tab) hier
Further down on this page, please note useful procedural information on “How to advertise and fill vacancies among administrative and technical staff (ATM), and research associates (WiMi) at TU Darmstadt”.
New pay group placements for engineers, and information and communication technicians
Requests for pay group placement and pay group allowance
For data protection reasons, the documents enclosed in the service agreement cannot be provided for downloading. However, you can read these documents at the Office of the Staff Council.
– Request for pay group allowance: Antrag auf EGZ
– Request for placement into a higher-level pay group and for pay group allowance: Antrag auf Höhergruppierung und EGZ
– Request for placement into a higher-level pay group in general: Antrag auf Höhergruppierung allgemein
Educational leave
– Request for educational leave form: Formular Antrag auf Bildungsurlaub
– Transfer of educational leave entitlement form (opens in a new tab): (opens in new tab) Formular Übertragung Bildungsurlaubsanspruch
For more information on educational leave, please refer to our glossary: in unserem Glossar
How to advertise and fill vacancies among administrative and technical staff (ATM), and research associates (WiMi) at TU Darmstadt
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